Friday, February 27, 2015

Uncomfortable around men.

Well that is a post title I never in my life thought I would type.  I Cheryl the girl who has always hung with the boys is now lost in this post divorce world.  I don't even remember what it's like to have a gentlemen pull out a chair for me. Seriously went out with a friend and he did just that and I moved over to the other chair not realizing what he was doing was for me.   I feel like every time I trying to hang out with a friend they think of it more as a date.   I'm left asking myself, can a women and a man just be friends anymore at my age?   More then anything I want to have an some sort of relationship but can  I just settle for something I don't want 100%.  I mean  I know what I want.  I can't have what I want so here I am waiting patiently for something that might not ever come around.  At what point does a girl just say fuck it and settle for one that is kind of what I'm looking for?

How do you get back in to the game as a single mom?

This is me

This is me