Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 8

Today was an exciting day. We had another sonogram to make sure Baby Guinan was going as expected. As I laid there watching the screen, I began to panic a bit that we might not see a heart beat. That was only for a moment. There it was a light little flicker. Tears filled my eyes! Baby Guinan had also grown from a white castle burger to a gummy bear. Dave was very excited to see thing were moving forward. Dr. Bethal insured us that the heart beat would look stronger as the baby grows more but he was very happy with what he had seen. He wished us good luck as this was are last appointment with him and said I would now start having my OB appointments with Dr. Klose if I choose to except his referral. So we parted ways with calcium for my leg cramps, prenatal vitamins and more lab work to get done. Dave was happy to hear that things were going well because he came home with a gift for me. The gift was pickles and ice cream! I enjoyed the pickles however just thinking of the ice cream made sick to my tummy. I will be much better once this morning sickness goes away. I would also just love some energy to clean the house. Being on bed rest has taken its toll on my house.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week 7

This week was very fun. Dave and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary. We went to Disneyland. Disneyland is one of my favorite places. One I just can't wait to take our child to. This trip was very different from our normal visits. I found out that I get very tired very quickly. Also with being on bed rest in the afternoons I had to stop for long periods of time to rest. So during one of those blocks of time Dave and I went to the movies. Morning sickness in Disneyland is also an experience in its self. You don't want to get sick in front of children but know that you will never make it though the lines in the bathroom so you have to sneaky to say the least. I did very much enjoy the food from every food cart in the park. On the way home Dave and I stoped at Anderson Pea Soup.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Week 6

This week has been very hard on us. I have had a lot of bleeding, spotting and cramping. Dave and I have been worried that we may miscarry again. Dave has been very protective of me and what I do or try to do. He says this is because he can't control what happens but at least he can control what I do to an extent and it makes him feel better. The doctor has ordered me to bed rest the moment I get off work or the second cramping starts I am to put my feet up. I find myself worried more this week then excited. I'm told that this is normal and I might find it to be this way for most of the first trimester. I hope that this is not true.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Second Doctor's Visit 5/7/09 Week 5

Today was our second doctors appointment with Dr. Bethal. We saw our baby today. Today was 4 weeks and 5 days. It was so tiny but amazing to think that I actually have someone growing in me. Right now doctors would descrired my baby as the gestational sac. It looks more like a white castle burger to me.
Doctor Bethal went over my labs and decided that we should up my progesterone from 50 Mg's a day to 200 Mg's a day. My progesterone was still not were it needed to be. He also instructed me to take it easy still as I still didn't look like I was a 100% well yet from the phenumoa. Last Dr. Bethal told us that he would be starting his own prat ice and he didn't think that they would be taking my insurance at the new office. This news made Dave and I sad as we both really like Dr. Bethal and trusted him. I have to admit that this cause a bit of stress for us. All and all it was a great day because we got to see you on the sonogram screen and Dr. Bethal say things appear to be going very well and that our expected due date is 1/1/2010.

This is me

This is me