Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week 31

This was a week that was very hard on me but had some excitement. On Saturday the day Dave left to go hunting, my aunt Suzanne came to visit and we had lunch at Rose's. One of my favorite sandwich shops. We have begun to build a relationship. I never really knew my dad's side of the family and in the last year I have gotten to know my bother, aunt and cousin a little more. It was fun hearing stories about my family and my aunt said that I’m normal. I had to laugh because I'm the crazy one on my mom's side of the family.

Dave was out of town all week. It started out with Dave's dad shooting his deer on day one so I thought it would be quick hunt and Dave would be home earlier then planned. It did not turn out that way. Dave ended up coming home at the end of the week with no deer for himself. While Dave was gone, I was very tired and could barely get up and cook meals for myself. The house was a mess and just felt overwhelmed and scared. I had begun to think I had made a big mistake telling him it was a great idea from him to go hunting and that I would be fine. I also had to be to work early all week which took a toll on me for sure. I had Braxton hicks a lot at night and then Baby Guinan would get all upset about them and kick the heck out of me. Meaning no sleep for mommy. On Tuesday night the dogs freaked out and Punch ended up jumping up on the bed landing on my stomach 4 times causing a bit of pain and freaking me out. After my excitement last week I have been on edge. Wed night was my child birth class on breast feeding. So I did not get home till about 9:00PM yet another late night. On Thursday I had dinner with my friend Laurel who was very kind and brought over tons of maternity clothes for me to go though and painted my paint samples on the wall for the nursery since I shouldn't be around the fumes. On Friday I had lunch with my mother in law we talked about work, baby, Amy coming to town and how I had invited just the sisters to the sonogram and how Dave and I wanted it to be special. Then it was off to Kelly's house for a papered chef party. When I got home Dave was there. I was so happy to see him I just cried. On Saturday it was off to my moms. She loves me very much and since I can't reach my toes and money has been a little tight she was willing to give me a pedicure. I was very thankful.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week 30-Test Run

Well after having such a wonderful, crazy week, I couldn't tell you how excited I was to be able to sleep in and relax on Saturday. Well on Saturday morning at 11:00 AM Dave woke me up to let me know that he was going to be leaving to do some side work. The second I open my eyes and he said good morning I had the worst pain I had ever felt shot though my body. I though Dave was standing on my stomach. I asked him what he was doing, as I was kind of confused about what was going on, still be groggy and all. Dave asked if I'm ok and a few seconds later I felt ok. I got in the shower no problems. Then went to the rest room and freaked out. I had lost a lot of blood. I screamed for Dave to come and see which he did. Not really sure what was going on. He saw all the blood and said we need to call the dr. I cried and said I can't I don't want to, they are going to tell me I'm miscarrying again. He smile and said no he's going to tell you you’re ok and you can then calm down. I finally give in and call the on call ob. While dialing another massive cramp hit. I managed to get the words out without sobbing and they told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery at Saint Mary's. Dave and I are in the car a min later and buzzing the nurse to let us in. They had me all ready to go chart and all the second I came in. Off to room 9 I went and they hooked me up to the monitors and started watching me. After about a 1/2 an hour Dr. Garcia came in to check on me. The nurse told him I had traces of contractions but everything looked fine. Dr. Garcia did an examine and was glad to say I was not dilating. He orders some labs and a compete ultrasound. Do I did the normal pee in a cup, answer all there question including the one "Did you bring your car seat with you?" No, I still have nine weeks. That question had me nervous, but Dave was cool calm and collective. He kept cracking jokes and saying this is great it's a practice run for him. During my Ultrasound he would tickle my feet. When we returned to our room the birthing class teacher we have was giving a tour to the Saturday class and saw us and asked if we were laboring. I just said No and went to get hooked back up. All the test came back fine and except a bit of blood in my urine and an infection of some sort so they were going to culture it and I would need to see Dr. Klose on Tue or Wed. I got home and packed my bag for the hospital.

On Wed. Dr Klose said everything was great. Saturday baby and moved into position and that I was in Preterm Labor. If it happened again and I was 34 weeks or more he would let me deliverer. Dave and I were glad to hear everything was good but neverous to see she was already in position. No wonder I have been so uncomfortable lately. We made our next appointment for the 2nd of November and were on our way.

Dave came home ready to get the nursery under way. He said he knew the baby would be her but this whole thing pretty much lit a fire under his ass and he was in a huge need to get things finished.

On Saturday Dave got ready to go hunting and left. Asking that I don't have our baby while we was gone as he did not want to come home and say "look at the deer I got!" and have me say "look at the baby girl we got". I told him I would be fine and not to worry. He said ok, but don't clean the house and don't be running all over the place. I say no problem! Not like I enjoy cleaning and I know I would just be fine sitting on my butt.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 29- Surpises and all

This week has been so freaking awesome, busy and just plain nuts. Sunday started out with us going out to Fernley to visit my grandpa's grave and wish him a happy birthday. Dave and I where then back in town running errands and finishing up side work.

On Monday I had bunko! This turned out not to be are normal Bunko Night. All the ladiesof the Bunko Group got together and threw me a surprise baby shower. It was so awesome, beautiful and fun. Every two rounds played I got to open a gift for my little girl. The gifts were all amazing to say the least. Two of the ladies have been following my blog and scrapbooking the entries for me. An awesome gift for sure. Baby Guinan is already spoiled. She got so many beautiful sleepers, outfits, books and blankets. I loved all the small details that were put into the shower; like the "It's A Girl" stickers on our tally sheets, "It's A Girl pencils" which they gave to me to take home. Dave is going to pass them out to the guys at work when she's born. And the carrot cupcakes were very yummy! I can't thank the ladies enough for such a beautiful night.

On Tuesday it was off to Rainbow. During sunshine and rain the girls were asked what they were scared off. Well one of the girls looked at me and said pregnant women. Dave heard this and chimed in me too. To which everyone laughed. I have been very bitchy lately.

On Wednesday we had our birthing class. Dave and I had a small fight because of my mood swings and he was cranky and tired. He didn't want to go, I wanted to go. I wanted to go  because I swore it was the hospital tour then  he sore it was the c-section class. We ended up auguring about who was right so to make a short story I ended up telling him fine don't go and left for the class without him. Once I got there my mood changed again and I was wishing I hadn't gone without him. The class started and I was almost in tears. But low and behold I have a great guy who even though I was moody and he was tired, he still showed up. The class ended up being the C-section class and the tour of the hospital.

Thursday, the dinner I thought I had to go to was really on Friday so I got together with Kelly and we finished making the baby shower invites for the Baby Shower Kelly is throwing me.

On Friday Dave was in a degree for Scottish Rite and I went to a pumpkin carving party at a friend’s house. To say the least I am tired!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 28

This week started with the end of our much needed road trip. Dave and I spent the night in Sacramento and went shopping. It was also the day that Dave bought myself and Baby Guinan a COACH diaper bag. Yes we are spoiled I was so excited. We also went to the motherhood Outlet store and I learned my new bra size.
Oh my god, I was shocked that the alphabet went that high in bra sizes and Dave was pleased! We then went to a corn maze and picked out a 70 pound pumpkin to take home. I'm glad I had Dave in the corn maze cause I was lost after 5 mins. Dave knew where we where going the whole time. Before we started it we asked the people the run it how long it takes a smart person to finish this maze. They said hour and a half to two hours. We finished we finished it in an hour and 15 mins. Dave and I were speeding thought this maze until I fell down on my belly. At one point my legs just gave out on me and down I went. I seem to have no balance at all lately. We ended the day with dinner at Dave's parents house as it was his Dad's birthday. On Monday it was off the my uncles house to watch Monday Night Football. Vikings vs Packers. Of course I'm the huge vikings fan and he's a huge Packers fan. The game was on and I'm glad to say the Vikings won!

I can't believe how busy I seem to be or how tired I am, or HOT I am. I find myself backing out of things and just not wanting to do anything but sleep. But even with backing out of things we are still very busy. On Monday Dave and I had another doctors appointment. Everything seems to be going very well and the doctor says everything is fine even though I had feel on my stomach. He say next time it happens, I should go to labor and delivery to get checked out. On Wed night I had Birthing Classes where Dave and I watch a video of a baby being born, practiced breathing exercises (Dave and I had a hard time trying not to laugh as the teacher is super funny and because of the sounds they tell you to make when breathing). It was strange sitting there in the bean bag with Dave behind me practicing what we will be doing in just a few months. I don't even really have the right words to express how I feel about it.

Dave's job is still causing us a bit of stress. They laid off another guy there and we still hear more are to come. Dave's coworker believes that Dave and him are both still there out of pity as both of them have babies on the way. Dave really believes its because he works hard and does a good job. I say I don't care which reason it is as long as its working. But I do know that Dave does a wonderful job and works really hard so it would be stupid for them to cut Dave. Dave has also been working crazy hours. One day he only works 2 hours, then the next day he's working from 1:30 in the afternoon till 10:30 at night. Then off a whole day. I think it's just been crazy. Dave has also had so much side work offered to him, but he gets so tired and wants to be working more on getting the house ready for baby that he is turning down the work. Which is bitter sweet as we could really use the money but we really want to get the house ready. At my job I have been busy trying to get things lined up for while I am out on FMLA leave. This has been hard as I am always so tired and have a hard time staying focused at work. I am thankful as in preparing for my leave I have already started to turn over some of my duties which as lessens my load. I also have really awesome bosses.

On Thursday it was off to my friend Kelly's house to work on my baby shower invites. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy just chatting with Kelly and am super excited to have a wonderful friendship forming. Kelly and I met in 2003 when I was her Realtor. Kelly just had a beautiful girl about 9 weeks ago and I am excited that our girls will be so close in age.

The rest of the week was spent cleaning, running errands, picking up an awesome swing from my friend Kristin and having dinner with my sister, Dave finishing up a side job he did take.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 27

This week was the beginning of Child Birthing classes, the flu, seeing TT and taking a random road trip. The child birthing class went well. I was not feeling to great so I stayed away from everyone. There is another girl in the class that has the same due date so its kinda fun chatting with her. And Dave did very well at the class also. Then the terrible flu came to visit me. At first I though it was just morning sickness again as I still get that every once in a while. I had no temp, the nurse took it and everything else seemed fine but by lunch time at work I was straight moody and had realize how much I was getting sick, I told my boss I couldn't handle the morning sickness today and needed to go home. When I got home and laid down the whole room starting spinning like when you have way to much to drink. I called my Ob's office and told her everything and she thought that I just might have a virus that had been going around but keep my eye on it and if it gets worse go see my family doctor. I ended up spending the rest of the day and night in the restroom. At about 8PM my temperature started to go up so I really started to wonder if I had the flu. The next morning all the wonderful signs of the flu had kicked in so I was off to the doctor. Sure enough it was the flu. A lot of good it did for me in getting the flu shot on the 17Th. I was out of work till Friday with the doctor saying I could return on Monday. So in bed I stayed. That is till Friday. Friday afternoon I went to the store for juice and tissues and then had dinner with TT. It was nice to catch up with her. I also cleaned the heck out my house in the attempt to keep Dave from getting sick. Looks like his flu shot is working though. Dave took very good care of me. On Saturday I begged Dave to get me out of the house. He said where do you want to go? I said California. He laughed and told me no but at 2:30 he said OK lets go so off we went to sac town for dinner. We went to Joe's Crab Shack. And it was yummy, even if we had to wait 2 hours to be seated. We had a great night and it was nice to be out of the house.

This is me

This is me