Saturday, April 14, 2012

March of Dimes PSA

If any of you know me, you know that I am a huge supporter of March of Dimes.  This year I have really kicked up my support.   Addison and I have been involed with our team Addison's Love, Gone to deseret nights, hosting bake sales selling Reno Big Horn Tickets.  We were even involed with the filming of a Public Service Annoucment. Which I have shared below. 

I personallly was nomaited as an Expodential Woman of Nevada for my efforts in supporting  March of Dimes.  That was a fun thing to have happen. 

It has also been a lot of fun to get to know some of the other family teams and make new friends.  I would like to thank all who have donated to my March and for all the support. 

This is me

This is me