On Tuesday 7/21/09 I had a dentist appointment and a sonogram. This was the first time Dave got to see a Sonogram that lasted more then 5 mins. He just sat there and stared at the screen the whole time. I tried super hard to get him to look at me but had no luck. He watched as they measured all organs and the baby. He later told me is was very nervous and just wanted to hear the baby was healthy. He did look at me for a second when we were told the sex. The tec didn't say a word he saw how we were just staring at the screen so he typed IT'S A ..................( sex goes here)! He put in the sex at the end. But I'm not ready to share it in this paragraph. I cried smiled and Dave smile. We were excited for sure. We left, in hand with our pictures and the second I got out the door I jumped up and down and said oh my god. Dave said I have to Pee! I said oh my god,....so do I. We had both had to go really bad and had not had the chance. LOL Not really how I picture the moment being, but still funny and great. After our potty break we hugged and smile. We did not tell anyone! Most people have been upset with us because they suspected we knew the sex and we weren't sharing. We really didn't care! Dave's mom tried like heck to find out and my mom tried a little to.
I signed Dave and I up for our Birthing classes. They were almost filled already. We start in Sept and they end at the end of October. Our doctor will be very please as this is something he brings up that we must do at every appointment. We also attended the Ace's Game. It was a great game and the Ace's Won! Dave and I just kept talking about how excited we were about the sex of our child.
Thursday 7/24/09 we had our second ultrasound. This time we had my mom, dad, grandma, Dave's mom and dad, Dave and myself. We wrote down everyone's guess at what the sex will be and told the tec that Dave and I very much wanted to know but we did not want our family to know. I do have to say that this was quite the experience having all the family there. Listening to their comments and watching all of them attached to the big screen tv that was introducing our baby to to the family. My Grandma was sure our baby is a boy and name our baby Lukas. Our baby moved all over the place and all Baby Guinan wanted to do was show us his/her sex. The tec would have to move or stop a lot because she didn't want to give the surprise away to the family or give them a peek. I think she really enjoyed all the comments our family members were making and crack a few jokes that only I could hear. After about a 1/2 hour she kicked my family out and shared the sex with Dave and I. She printed out our photos and gave us our DVD and off we went. Outside of the building I grabbed my mom, dad and grandma. I gave them each a cupcake I had baked ahead of time and said enjoy but be careful because the answer is in the middle.

I love your baby's picture! I can tell she's going to be a cutie!!!