On the 7Th I had another Doctors appointment. Real quick on. I heard the baby's heart beat and It sounded stronger then ever and then more lab work was ordered. I then signed the contract with the OB. Good news all we have to pay him is 180.00 for the whole pregnancy. That doesn't count sonograms but that's OK with me.
Saturday was a very long day for me. We had a Rainbow Girl installation. So I was busy from 8AM to about 4PM. My body once again warned me that I was doing too much as I started to bleed again yesterday. This was my reminded to sit back for a little while. Dave my hubby had agreed to do Rainbow Pop for six months and watching him interact with the girls made me day dream a bit about how great of a dad he is going to be. The rainbow girls we're all very excited to find out what we we're having. I think everyone of them asked me twice if I knew yet. Then they were telling me how I should raise our child and what activities I should put them in. One of the girls suggest that we move to Texas and put are baby in a pageant, but don't let her wear makeup. Then tell the crowd that this is what a beautiful child should look like. I laughed by butt off because that is something I could see myself doing! One of the girls also gave me a beautiful flower arrangement for helping her with her term.
After the installation we went to Toy R Us to look for a BBQ game called Bongo. We couldn't find it there so I told Dave that we just go home. We then get into the car and he starts driving the opposite direction of home. I figured that he wanted to try Wal-Mart to see if they had the game. Well Dave pulls into the Babies R Us parking lot and parks. I looked at him and said "What are we doing here?" He replied "well we are going to have to buy baby stuff aren't we?" So we get in the store and he says "well what section do you want to start in?" I say bath stuff but he said let’s start with cribs. So we looked around Babies R Us for a while and then went to Dinner, during dinner Dave talked about how influenced the rainbow girls were by their parents actions and what kind of parent he wanted us to be. And I share with him my thoughts. It was a good way to end the week!
Aww! Thats so cool! You are a lucky girl! I'm excited to hear that your "Love Bug" is growing well and into a healthy baby! Pregnancy is hard, and our bodies change but I'm glad that you found some remedies that will help you get through it! I agree that the leg cramps are the worst! I remember waking up at night crying because the leg cramps wouldn't go away. You seem like you are doing well. I hope that the morning sickness has gotten better for you too.