I have also had the worst luck with cravings. The other day I went to My Favorite Muffin because one of those muffins sounded great. While I was in line I could not figure out which flavor I wanted so I asked the lady to give me a dozen of the mini so I wouldn't have to choose right there, while she was making the dozen up I saw a bagel that looks so yummy my month started to water so I asked for that to. While my bagel was toasting I figure out which large muffin I had come in for so I ordered that to then I saw the fruit smoothies and had to get one of those. I walked out of there with 2 bags of food! So I passed out muffins at work all day. Ate the bagel and drank my smoothie. Kept the large muffin for breakfast today. The same type of thing happened to me in the drive though at Jack in a Box. I got stuck right there in front of the menu. All I went there for was two tacos each for Dave and I. I left there 2 bags to. Lucky I never eat everything I buy. I might be one fat chica if I did. Speaking of weight I'm very happy that I have only gained 3 pounds so far. It must be all the fruit and veggies I have been eating. Thanks to the morning/night sickness going down. I still have not been able to eat the C-H-I-C-K-E-N word.
As far as side effects of pregnancy this week has been the week of headaches, Sciatia, and no sleep. The headaches are the worst. My eye doctors office believes its the pregnancy that's changing my eye sight which would be causing the headaches. But I can't get in till August 18Th. My doctor two weeks ago had told me that my pelvic bone was moving and a friend at work who is a physical Therapist at work said that my right side was higher then my left and it was tilted forward which was pinching my sciatic nerve. So she gave so exercise to help me adjust my pelvic bone. Which seem to be helping. THANK GOD!
I have ended the week wondering when the heck I was going to feel my baby move. I'm very excited to feel the fluttering everyone is telling me about.
I'm so excited for you! It sounds like you are feeling much better!