This week Dave and I have been pretty anxious to start the nursery. Only problem is no room to move the office yet and all the other furniture that is in the room. Dave is super worried that we are running out of time and I am wanting to nest.
This was also a week of first. I tried baby food for the first time. I liked the carrots but hated the mixed veggies! No I didn't just go buy some baby food and say I'll give it a try. I helped with the stroke support group at work and the main topic was trying different diets that stroke patients end up having. The baby food was an example of a pureed diet. I think the baby food could have used a little salt and pepper.
I also found myself taking a trip back in time reading letters and looking at my baby pictures wondering what our baby will look like. There were several things that I came across where I would announce that "I am only having a girl when I have a baby!" I laughed hard, way back when I knew I would be having a girl too! I also became a little nevors wondering what kind of mom I would be. It's strange how much you can worry when your expecting! Dave has also had his fair share of worrying. We bought diapers the other day and you could look in his eyes and see the math problems he was working out in his head. This is what I saw in his eyes.... 8 to 12 diapers a day = so many boxes a month = $$$$.
I love your photo! You're a cute prego! Maybe Dave would feel better if you got a Costco membership. An entire box of diapers lasts a whole month (so I've heard), and the Costco brand is only about $29. Diapers can be expensive! I love your blog updates! Keep 'em up!