Since Dave and I started this journey to be parents 1 year ago I have read my fair share of books. 13 in all. And each one I have found useful in one way or another. So here is a list of what I have read and my quick opinion on the book.
Pregnancy sucks for men By Joanne Kimes and Jeff Kimes. This was the first book I bought when Dave and I agreed we were ready to be parents and start trying. My fave one so far. It puts pregnancy in real terms (meaning my kind of humor). I also think it's the best one out there if your trying to get your man to read a baby book. Dave has read some of this and he hasn't read since the 2ND grade. His words not mine!
Pre-Parenting, Nurturing your child from conception By Thomas R. Verny and Pamela Weintraub. This book is thought provoking but a hard read. A lot of information about passed studies on how your voice and actions can affect an unborn child. I suggest you read before your pregnant or you run the chance of falling asleep every time you pick it up.
Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. This book was loaned to me by a friend. This is just a fun, honest details type of book, straight out of the mouth of Jenny McCarthy Funny and crude, again my type of humor. A very funny quick read. It took me about 2 hours cover to cover. Her and I think a lot alike. I would recommend reading it when your stressed. It actually made me relax.
What to expect when you're expecting by Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway. I think this is a cult favorite among all mothers and mothers to be. You almost can't say your pregnant if you haven't read or at least received this book as a gift. I liked it and found it to be a quick reference guide when I have no idea what is going on with my body. I go back to it at least once a month.
What to eat when You're expecting by Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway. This book make me laugh. I think Dave took notes from it when he was the food Nazi. There were several weeks that went by where Dave watched and made sure what I was eating was healthy, healthy, healthy. I could have killed him, if I didn't know why he was food blocking me. If you could do the Atkins diet you might be able to do the best odds diet they recommend. There is no way in hell I could. I did get some good food choices from the book and the recipes are pretty good also.
After Miscarriage by Krissi Danielsson. This book helped me during one of the hardest times of my life. I recommend it to any one who has had a miscarriage or knows someone who has. I go back to it a lot even now when I'm scared it will happen again.
Preventing Miscarriage by Jonathan Scher and Carol Dix. I must have read this book 8 times. When you have no answers this book can help you find out the test you might want to take and the direction you might want to go. It also helped when the doctor would throw out his ideas as to what cause the miscarriage. Very informative but kind of a hard read.
Pregnancy after a Loss by Carol Cirulli Lanham. A must have if you are going to try again following a loss of Miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death. If you have been there it goes over all the thoughts you have going though your head and reminds you that it is OK to have them.
How to choose the sex of your baby by Landrum Shettles and David M. Rorvik. A friend gave this book to me. If you belive that this will work read it. It's say I should be having a girl. I'm not telling you the position Dave and I used ;) LOL Just kidding. We didn't even think of the book suggestions when it came down to doing the deed. LOL. but it was fun to see the different ways to concive the sex of your choice.
Pregnancy Sucks What to do when your Miracle make you miserable by Joanne Kimes and Sanford A Tisherman. One of my top 3. by the same people that wrote Pregnancy Sucks for Men. I like it because its honest and lets you know your not a terrible person if pregnancy is not the most wonderful time of your life. My favorite advice from the book is if you're put on bed rest, walkie-talkies will allow you to yell at your husband no matter where he is in the house. LOL. It's a funny book.
From here to maternity, by Connie Marshall. This book is an easy read and gave pretty good advise. If you don't enjoy reading a lot this is a good book for you.
50,001 Best baby names by Diane Stafford. This book has every name you could think of. I mean it it actually lists Cookie as a girls name. I find Dave flipping though this one a lot lately looking for the perfect name.
Before Your Pregnancy: A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy Conception by Amy Ogle, Lisa Mazzullo, Lisa Mazzullo. I read this before I got pregger last July. It was easy to read and a good "break into the idea of pregnancy" book. A friend loaned it to me and I would recommend it to a friend also.
The Pregnancy Countdown book by Susan Magee with Kara Nakisbendi. I found this on the clearance rack at Borders. $1.99. I would recommend looking at the clearance books at Borders because there is always one on Pregnancy there. This book I have not finished just because you read it day by day. It gives you helpful hints and Pregnancy trivia like how big is your baby today. It says that today my baby is the size of a pear and weighs about 1 and 3/4 of an oz. I look forward to reading this little blurb each day. I try to share this moment with Dave.
Hope some of you find this helpful if you are pregger or are thinking about it.