I've made it this far......in just a few days I will be a mom. It's kind of shocking to think that my little girl is not here yet. We all thought she would be her by now. In all I mean Doctor, Me and everyone at work.

With the nursery done and the house clean we are just doing last min random things. The weather has been iffy to say the least so Dave put his car seat base in his truck just in case that is our vehicle of choice for the hospital ride.
Work is hard to say the least and I am very impatient. My boss is very worried as it is slow and she thought I would have been on leave by now she had scheduled other people to be working my hours now.

If you were to see me in person now I am huge, have dropped very low and puffy puffy. It hurts like hell to walk and I am so uncomfortable. My skin has stretched so much that the stretch marks start at my belly button and connect on my back. Not pretty but worth it! The contractions have not stopped but slowed down a bit. I met with Dr. Klose on the 29th. 2cm Dilated. That’s freaking it. 1/2 cm more than last week. My doctor did not seem too happy. Baby's weight is guess to be 8 1/2 pounds now. Meaning next week baby will weigh more. We are looking a big baby coming. This scares me! So Dr Klose stripped my membranes. You ask me does this hurt. HELL YES! The nurse kept saying wow your doing great you’re a trooper. To which Dave asks does that hurt her? Dr. Klose says yes it hurts a bit but you’re doing great Cheryl. Dave instantly starts rubbing my head. That’s why I love him. Now that my membranes are stripped I could go in to labor tonight or very soon. YES that's what I want to hear. The pain is worth it....gets me ready for labor right? As an extra measure Dr. Klose schedule me to be induce if I don't go into labor by the 4th. He says well now that we have scheduled this you should go into labor anytime with a laugh. I cannot tell you how relived I am to have a date. My baby will be here by the 5th! So the next day I went to work and gave my boss the news. She was happy and I was relived.
On the 30th I was done. I need this baby out now. I hurt. Dave and I walked the marina. Nothing, I couldn't sleep cause of the pain so its 3AM and I did 100 jumping jacks and ran in place for about a half hour. Then New Years Eve came. The day before my due date and my last day of work no matter what. My contractions start to get kind of regular thank god I'll be in labor by the end of the night. I just might have a new year’s baby. So Dave and I park my car at Saints and walk downtown to watch the fireworks and ring in the New Year. It was great but we ended the day with now baby.
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