To start the week off I had my weekly Doctor's appointment with Dr. Klose. I'm dialated! But for all the contractions I had been having I thought I would be futher along then I really am. I was 1 1/2cm. At first I was very disappointed but now that I think about it I am super excited to be dialated at all. At this appointment the doctor was concerned that with baby girls movement as I had not felt her all day and I was sitting there talking to him drinking a cup of coffee. ( I got no sleep the last few days). So he hooked me up to a monitor to watch baby Guinan. She was not moving so they tired this little buzzer zapper thing on my tummy to wake her up. All it did was give her the hiccups. After about 20 mins. Dr. Klose felt better with what he saw and also metioned that I was having contractions during that time. I laughed. Kinda knew that already.
When I first started out on this crazy journey, I thought this will be great i'll be pregnant over the holidays. things should be slow at work and it will be nice to be able to relax. Now that I'm here and Christmas has just passed I can not believe I thought it would be easy to be pregnant during this time of year.

First there’s the whole having to get gifts for everyone and having no energy. Then there is the fact that it snows during this time of year and snow and Cheryl don't mix to start so when you had snow and pregnant Cheryl (unbalanced and unsteady and waddles a lot) you get several falls. Plus having the to wrap up everything with the nursery, washing clothes cleaning house and everything else that comes with adulthood it can be very overwhelming to say the least. Even with a super awesome husband like Dave. So on the 23rd of Dec. I had to finish making all the handmade gifts Dave and I where giving out, so they would be ready for my Family's Christmas that was on the 24th. I got it done but then everything else piled up so I came home early from work the next day and started running all the errands I had to do. Which ended up with me falling, breaking a picture I just spent a $100.00 on and not getting any of the cleaning I wanted to done. Here is where psycho, tired, wanting to nest Cheryl first shows her nasty little face. Dave was out shopping for Christmas gifts and picking up our little girls cribs so he wasn't around for me to vent to. Dave usually keeps me clam and from over reacting. I was so upset with the days events that I went though the whole house in like 10 minutes taking every item that was not in its proper place and threw it in a big pile in the middle of the dining room. I mean everything from the filing, clothes, gifts, trash, I think I even tried to keep the dogs and cat there to. I then let out the rest of my pent up stress by balling like a five year old. Not my proudest moment by far. Then poor Dave comes home to see what had happened and he was very good. He just said we were almost done why the heck would you do this? I cried and said I don't know this was all in the wrong place. He shock his head and walked a way. He came back a few seconds later and threw a sweatshirt in the pile and said wow that’s kind of fun, please tell me you at least felt better after doing this. I cried and said no because it’s just more of a mess I have to clean up now. Well we both laughed and left for my Uncles for Christmas Eve Dinner. Then we got home Dave put the crib together and I cleaned up my mess. We both felt better! Christmas was fun with my family. Baby girl got a stocking and a Santa Hat and mini Viking slippers to go with my Viking antenna ball and Jacket that was passed down to me from my grandpa. The next day we went to my in-laws and had breakfast, opened gifts, played pennies and then had Christmas Dinner. It was a great time but I was very tired to say the least. I do have to say that we got an awesome video camera so that we could video tape baby girl when she joins us and I'm very excited about that.
At the end of the weekend Dave and I completely finished the nursery and are very proud of how well it turned out and crazy Cheryl has disappeared. Thank goodness for that!
I'm so sorry you had such a hard time Cheryl. The end of pregnancy is so hard. Your emotions run wild and you are so anxious for baby to come out not only to meet your precious baby but because 10 months of pregnancy is ENOUGH! You've done awesome! I'm so glad your appointment went well and that you will meet your precious daughter in just a few days! Thats such exciting news!