On the 8th we had another doctor appointment with Dr. Klose. I was looking forward to being checked as I had a ton more contractions and on the 16th of Nov he had said that I was 50% effaced. I thought for sure this baby was on her way. But he did not check to see if I was dilated as he doesn't want to risk infection and I am having contractions and everything seems to be going well. I was bummed. He did tell me that once again I lost weight which made me happy. That night Dave and I started to install the car seat in my car. Now is the time to be ready for sure. It took us a little bit mostly because my Jetta is a small car. At least that's the story Dave and I are sticking to. But we did end up getting it installed. On the 9th Dave and I had an appointment with AAA to check to make sure that Dave and I installed our car seat correctly. From RESMA, Birthing Classes and AAA, they all say that about 90% of car seats are installed incorrectly. So we were sure that we might do at least something wrong when we installed the car seat but we got a 100% on our installation. Yes I do believe we get bragging rights for that. So we left the appointment very happy and reassured. I do have to say that it is very strange driving around with a car seat. It makes it very real and also super exciting. I also felt much better to have one more thing crossed off on the list. Then at the end of the week I had lunch with my aunt Suzanne and got my preggers photos taken. I didn't get to go to the photographer I wanted because of some costly things that came up so I went to Sears. On the way in the store I fell and had mud all over me. Then the photo I really wanted ended up looking like crap so I learned the lesson to use credit if your really want something done right.
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