Well January 4th has arrived. Dave and I are so nervous and excited. I had hoped to go into labor before today. I was looking forward to catching Dave off guard and telling him its time and being able to labor at home. So before we walk out of our house I say Dave and he looks at me and I say "IT'S TIME" he smiles and acts like he’s snoring. I laugh. On the car ride we talked nervously about the events to come and when to call the family and so on. The doctor’s office told me to eat light. So my breakfast was some cream of wheat and a banana. We arrived at the hospital at 5:45 AM; we ring the bell outside the L&D area, we are answered and asked why we are there. My nervous voice says my name and I have an appointment to be induced. We hear a buzz and the door opens in we walk and we are greeted by our nurse Amie and into room 5 I go. Amie explains everything to me and we are off and running. Contractions should be between 40 and 60 in power. The lab comes, IV inserted and PIT is flowing. Contractions start within in a half hour. Dave and I are told that I should dilate about 1 cm an hour. We do the math and Dave leaves gets some movies. He is back within 15 minutes and we start to play a game. In comes Dr. Klose. He tell me the usual that the baby should have come already with a laugh. He does an exam and shakes my head. He says Cheryl you have not changed at all in a week. You’re still at 2cm. Next thing I know I feel a crazy gush of water between my legs! I just broke your water Cheryl. I look at Dave wide eyed I’m sure and he stares at me. Dr. Klose says he'll check on me around noon. He leaves and I freak a little, Dave what just happened what time is it, this baby better come I don't want a c section if she's not here in 24 hours. DAVE what the heck does this fluid look like?

Noon comes I'm in pain. Mine and Dave's family are in the waiting area and a few coworkers stopped into check on me. I was glad to see them. It gave me something to focus on and Dave someone else to talk to. He has been great taking such great care of me. I am starving. Dr. Klose checks on me and I'm at 3cm. Not to impressed with my change. My PIT is adjusted a bit. My nurse is now Rebecca. She is follows the rules to the T and is taking good care of me and Dave. She still won't let me have food! I am hurting bad these contractions have been 3-5 minutes apart this whole time. I buzz my nurse I need something for the pain. So they start me on some narcotics. I try these for about 2 hours and say bring me the epidural. Sorry Cheryl the anastegilost just went in to a C-section. I'll have to wait an hour. OMG I can't. My contractions have been around 90 forever. Like I get a choice in the mater. HA

What seems like forever later I am getting my epidural. Now they tell you don't move while they are administering the epidural. My contraction decided to peek right as they are putting the needle in. They are at 110. Dave is very good but I can see the concern in his face as he stares at the machine that tells him where my contractions are at. Dr. Klose is going to be disappointed as the Epidural could slow down my progress. I don't care as its not moving now. Before I know it its 4:30. I'm at maybe a 4.

It's 2AM in the morning. I have been at a 9 for many hours now about 4 my cervix has a small edge that won't get out of the way. I am sweating so bad my temp is at 101. Nurse Amie is back on shift and tells me it looks like this is going to be a c-section according to Dr. Klose and her. I say can I at least try to push, I can hold out longer and wait to see if I can make a 10. She leaves and returns to say I have a great doctor and he will let me hold out a little bit longer. 1/2 hour later Amie gets another nurse to check me. It she says she feels the lip so Amie gets my doctor. He say you’re a 10 let her push. So I push with all my heart, O2 is given to me but I just lay as still and clam as I can between contractions and push with everything I have when I'm told. In 40 minutes they are Dr Klose is in there with bed head. Glad he got some sleep. He tells Dave that he is going to deliver our little girl and gives him a crash course on how to do it. Dr. Klose tells me to push and yells at how great of a pusher I am and in three more pushes I feel this great relief. Dr. Klose is saying look at those chubby cheeks. And everyone is yelling 3:29. Dave is rushing with our little girl to the table next to my bedside where our little girl's nurse is. Dave keeps telling the nurse Cheryl wants to hold her right away. Again why I love Dave. He then kisses me on the head and cuts the cord again to shorten it. Next thing I hear is babies temp is 101.4.

In all this craziness my baby is handed to me. OH MY GOD HI BABY, hi baby happy birthday. I love you and so many more overwhelming things run though my mind. Dave and I decide her name should be Addison Lynn. She is so perfect! She is wide awake and very alert. She has the biggest most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. 40 plus weeks later and after 21 hours of labor I now have this beautiful girl in my arms.
The family comes in and before I know it I am begging for food, A friend that works in nutrition services was wonderful and made me a beautiful try of food and Amie gets me the biggest glass of sprite, baby is off to get checked out, I got to check out my placenta. I'm so tired that the rests is kind of a blur but I did breast feed within an hour of her birth. I can't believe the miracle that I was just blessed with.
Addison Lynn Guinan was born at 3:29AM on January 5, 2010. Weight 7LBS 5OZ. Not 8 1/2 to 9 like we thought. And 20 inches long!