Well after having such a wonderful, crazy week, I couldn't tell you how excited I was to be able to sleep in and relax on Saturday. Well on Saturday morning at 11:00 AM Dave woke me up to let me know that he was going to be leaving to do some side work. The second I open my eyes and he said good morning I had the worst pain I had ever felt shot though my body. I though Dave was standing on my stomach. I asked him what he was doing, as I was kind of confused about what was going on, still be groggy and all. Dave asked if I'm ok and a few seconds later I felt ok. I got in the shower no problems. Then went to the rest room and freaked out. I had lost a lot of blood. I screamed for Dave to come and see which he did. Not really sure what was going on. He saw all the blood and said we need to call the dr. I cried and said I can't I don't want to, they are going to tell me I'm miscarrying again. He smile and said no he's going to tell you you’re ok and you can then calm down. I finally give in and call the on call ob. While dialing another massive cramp hit. I managed to get the words out without sobbing and they told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery at Saint Mary's. Dave and I are in the car a min later and buzzing the nurse to let us in. They had me all ready to go chart and all the second I came in. Off to room 9 I went and they hooked me up to the monitors and started watching me. After about a 1/2 an hour Dr. Garcia came in to check on me. The nurse told him I had traces of contractions but everything looked fine. Dr. Garcia did an examine and was glad to say I was not dilating. He orders some labs and a compete ultrasound. Do I did the normal pee in a cup, answer all there question including the one "Did you bring your car seat with you?" No, I still have nine weeks. That question had me nervous, but Dave was cool calm and collective. He kept cracking jokes and saying this is great it's a practice run for him. During my Ultrasound he would tickle my feet. When we returned to our room the birthing class teacher we have was giving a tour to the Saturday class and saw us and asked if we were laboring. I just said No and went to get hooked back up. All the test came back fine and except a bit of blood in my urine and an infection of some sort so they were going to culture it and I would need to see Dr. Klose on Tue or Wed. I got home and packed my bag for the hospital.
Dave came home ready to get the nursery under way. He said he knew the baby would be her but this whole thing pretty much lit a fire under his ass and he was in a huge need to get things finished.
On Saturday Dave got ready to go hunting and left. Asking that I don't have our baby while we was gone as he did not want to come home and say "look at the deer I got!" and have me say "look at the baby girl we got". I told him I would be fine and not to worry. He said ok, but don't clean the house and don't be running all over the place. I say no problem! Not like I enjoy cleaning and I know I would just be fine sitting on my butt.
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