Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 28

This week started with the end of our much needed road trip. Dave and I spent the night in Sacramento and went shopping. It was also the day that Dave bought myself and Baby Guinan a COACH diaper bag. Yes we are spoiled I was so excited. We also went to the motherhood Outlet store and I learned my new bra size.
Oh my god, I was shocked that the alphabet went that high in bra sizes and Dave was pleased! We then went to a corn maze and picked out a 70 pound pumpkin to take home. I'm glad I had Dave in the corn maze cause I was lost after 5 mins. Dave knew where we where going the whole time. Before we started it we asked the people the run it how long it takes a smart person to finish this maze. They said hour and a half to two hours. We finished we finished it in an hour and 15 mins. Dave and I were speeding thought this maze until I fell down on my belly. At one point my legs just gave out on me and down I went. I seem to have no balance at all lately. We ended the day with dinner at Dave's parents house as it was his Dad's birthday. On Monday it was off the my uncles house to watch Monday Night Football. Vikings vs Packers. Of course I'm the huge vikings fan and he's a huge Packers fan. The game was on and I'm glad to say the Vikings won!

I can't believe how busy I seem to be or how tired I am, or HOT I am. I find myself backing out of things and just not wanting to do anything but sleep. But even with backing out of things we are still very busy. On Monday Dave and I had another doctors appointment. Everything seems to be going very well and the doctor says everything is fine even though I had feel on my stomach. He say next time it happens, I should go to labor and delivery to get checked out. On Wed night I had Birthing Classes where Dave and I watch a video of a baby being born, practiced breathing exercises (Dave and I had a hard time trying not to laugh as the teacher is super funny and because of the sounds they tell you to make when breathing). It was strange sitting there in the bean bag with Dave behind me practicing what we will be doing in just a few months. I don't even really have the right words to express how I feel about it.

Dave's job is still causing us a bit of stress. They laid off another guy there and we still hear more are to come. Dave's coworker believes that Dave and him are both still there out of pity as both of them have babies on the way. Dave really believes its because he works hard and does a good job. I say I don't care which reason it is as long as its working. But I do know that Dave does a wonderful job and works really hard so it would be stupid for them to cut Dave. Dave has also been working crazy hours. One day he only works 2 hours, then the next day he's working from 1:30 in the afternoon till 10:30 at night. Then off a whole day. I think it's just been crazy. Dave has also had so much side work offered to him, but he gets so tired and wants to be working more on getting the house ready for baby that he is turning down the work. Which is bitter sweet as we could really use the money but we really want to get the house ready. At my job I have been busy trying to get things lined up for while I am out on FMLA leave. This has been hard as I am always so tired and have a hard time staying focused at work. I am thankful as in preparing for my leave I have already started to turn over some of my duties which as lessens my load. I also have really awesome bosses.

On Thursday it was off to my friend Kelly's house to work on my baby shower invites. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy just chatting with Kelly and am super excited to have a wonderful friendship forming. Kelly and I met in 2003 when I was her Realtor. Kelly just had a beautiful girl about 9 weeks ago and I am excited that our girls will be so close in age.

The rest of the week was spent cleaning, running errands, picking up an awesome swing from my friend Kristin and having dinner with my sister, Dave finishing up a side job he did take.


  1. Love the pumpkin! I hope that you guys are lucky enough to have Denise for your prenatal class, she is such a blast and oh so hilarious!!! Babes (inside joke)...he!he! :) Kristina

  2. LOL Denise is great! I pass her in the halls all the time at work. She is also teaching our birthing classes. Dave likes her too! I feel like such a trouble maker cause I'm laughing at everything she says, she is way to funny!


This is me

This is me