I remember when I was a young girl sitting wrapped up in my grandpa's Vikings blanket sitting and watching the Vikings play a game called football. My Grandpa would yell and cheer at the TV and I would pretend I knew what was going on and yell or cheer too. It was one of my special moments I shared weekly with my grandpa. Just in case you didn't know my grandpa helped raise me most my life. My grandpa and the time we spent together is the reason I love football and also the reason I'm a die hard Vikings Fan. And when I say die hard I mean it. I seriously though about bringing my daughter home from the hospital in the Viking's jersey I bought her.
After my grandpa passed away I lost my football buddy. I still watched the game with my boyfriend and over the years my boyfriend got more into it became a husband and a huge Vikings fan. The problem with being a Vikings Fan is, it is really hard to get to a game. The Vikings maybe play the 49ers in CA once every 2 years.
I love football, my husband loves football and Addison my daughter just doesn't get a choice about it. She will love football. I'm her mom and I said so! Watching football together is the one thing I really want to pass down to my daughter from my grandpa. So imagine my excitement when a little over a year ago I heard Reno might be getting a football team! It was awesome. I already enjoyed going to the Reno Aces Baseball games and The Big Horns Basketball games. It's always a fun way to share time with the family, but to be able to go to football games would be amazing. So a few weeks ago when I saw the page on Facebook for the Reno Barons Arena Football I "Like" it in a second. I learned that the Barons are about the community. Seriously, they plan on helping groups like March of Dimes and CampTouchDownUSA. That right there got me hooked and when I would be a Huge Barons Fan. Shortly after "Liking" the page they posted a contest to summit a video explaining why "WE ARE BARON NATION". So for family time Dave, Addison and I put together our first YouTube video. Well that little video won our family season tickets! It also has led me to this amazing opportunity to be a part of something that will bring Reno area fun and wonderful memories.
While posting on the Facebook page daily, I started talking with the Defensive Coordinator Anthony Bartley and General Manager Tim Pierce. Not to long after getting to know them I got an email asking me to head up the Baron Nation Fan Club. At first I was like "HELL YES I'LL DO IT" in my head but the wife and mother in me told me to talk to my husband. Dave was OK with it but reminded me that I can't do everything but if I wanted this he was behind me. Yup that's why I love him. So now I am at the beginning of an amazing trip as I share many family moments and start memories that will last a life time, hopefully longer.
I also get to share in helping an amazing idea like Arena Football in Reno become something LARGE! Something families will do together. I GET TO BE A PART OF THIS. I get to do all this with my family and with an amazing group of Barons as we kick of this inaugural year of Arena Football in Reno!

That is FREAKING awesome!!! Good job Cheryl!!!