Starting Sunday, Dave and I both had a very stressful day. By that night. I was cramping and had stop feeling Baby Guinan move. She moves all the time now so her not moving had me very worried. I spotted a bit that night too. Then all the way to Thursday hadn't felt baby move. Things got worst Thursday after lunch so I called my doctor office. I told the nurse everything and was told to get over to the office right away. I called my boss told her what was happening, yes crying,trying not to worry her, I'm not good at that cause she came running from her office to mine. There I was still holding my phone talking to her as she is staring at me crying at my desk. She say you go to your doctor now, but your not driving because I was pretty upset, and called me a cab. She walked me down to the front of the building as I tell her I need to get all this work done, and keep repeating that the doctors don't think its bad but they want to be safe and I'm just more worked up then anything. I thanked her and got in the cab. The cab driver must have been thinking that someone died or something as I was upset, crying, talking to Dave and leaving one hospital to go to another. I should just have a sign posted on me that reads pregnant cry a lot. Get to the doctors and had gotten one of my favorite nurses who was my nurse the last time I was preggers and miscarried so she knew my history and helped me calm down. It didn't help that this is the week I found out I miscarried last time. Dr. Garcia came in to check me out. I told him everythi
ng, cramps, no movement, morning sickness was back and how terrified I was that I was miscarrying again which was making me even more of a basket case. He calmed me down and said it was very good I called and came in and even if its nothing at all it was OK. My blood pressure was really high for me 154 over 80. Being upset didn't help it. So they worked on calming me down so they could check it again later. They then but the heart beat monitor thing on my belly to listen to the heart. It took what seemed like forever to find it but there it was a beating. And then a loud thunk! Dr. says did you feel that? I say no and then there the thunk was again, this time I felt it. Baby Guinan kicked the monitor very hard. I cried again just glad to have felt her kick. He then brought out the sonogram machine there my baby was on the screen. She wasn't moving at all but her heart was beating. She has always been all over the screen so I was scared to death. And then it happened she raised one finger at the screen. I laughed and the doctor goes I believe that was a finger. Dave said well the baby's like me. Wake her up and she flips you off. Doctor kneed my belly like a ball of dough and she started moving all over the place. He let me watch her for a long time. He then check my cervix which was thankfully sealed tight. Everything looked OK. I left felling much better back to work with lab script. This whole week Dave and I had been worried sick and not really sleeping.
We ended the week watching the Reno Balloon Races from 5:30AM to about 8:30AM and feeling much better and less worried!
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