Dave and I ended the week with walking with the heart association, watching the Vikings game and having dinner with my family for my dads birthday. It was this same day that we bought baby Guinan her first Vikings jersey. I can't wait to put it on her and watch the game with her and daddy! Also when I was giving my dad a hug goodbye our belly's touched and Baby Guinan kicked my dads tummy. I asked him if he felt it and he said yes and both started laughing. I'm starting to think she has my personality.
One couple in love writes about the journey they take as they start their own family. Well that's how this blog started but lets cross that out, huge change of plans. Let's start over. This blog is about one women (me) and what she experiences as she navigates though divorce, motherhood and finding herself. Plus a bunch of other random crap. I'm not a writer so what you get here is just raw, honest, moments that I attempt to put into words.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Week 26-Dave's Turn
This was a great week. Dave finally got to feel baby Guinan kick on the 23rd of Sept at 9:32PM. Dave felt the baby kick and then pulled his had back and shock his hand and head. He then said that not right and I said why? He then said I shouldn't feel that. I said that what I feel all the time he goes no,no,no. I'm on the outside you have the baby in you. So you should feel it not me. I laughed so hard. He just kept staring at my tummy. He then says that it reminded
him of the scene from space balls where the alien thing jumps out of some guys belly and starts singing hello my darling and starts dancing. Yes he did act out the scene. He later said it was cool. I was so excited that he finally felt her kick.
Dave and I ended the week with walking with the heart association, watching the Vikings game and having dinner with my family for my dads birthday. It was this same day that we bought baby Guinan her first Vikings jersey. I can't wait to put it on her and watch the game with her and daddy! Also when I was giving my dad a hug goodbye our belly's touched and Baby Guinan kicked my dads tummy. I asked him if he felt it and he said yes and both started laughing. I'm starting to think she has my personality.
Dave and I ended the week with walking with the heart association, watching the Vikings game and having dinner with my family for my dads birthday. It was this same day that we bought baby Guinan her first Vikings jersey. I can't wait to put it on her and watch the game with her and daddy! Also when I was giving my dad a hug goodbye our belly's touched and Baby Guinan kicked my dads tummy. I asked him if he felt it and he said yes and both started laughing. I'm starting to think she has my personality.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
25 Weeks
So this week has been a very normal week. Dave and I have just been cleaning and resting. I did get to go over and hang out with Kelly which was nice. We started working on planning my baby shower. We planned, shopped and just talked. I can't believe how the time as gone by. I'm almost in my third trimester, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea that in 3 months my baby girl will be here. We still have a lot to do with the nursery, birthing classes are about to start and I have been working with my boss on plans for when I'm on leave.

I have been having a very hard time sleeping due to allergies and not being being allowed to sleep on my tummy. This has left me very cranky and tired. When I do sleep I have some of the most off the wall dreams. The other night I had this dream that I could see my baby moving all around in my tummy and actually grab her and turn her and move her to where I wanted her. I could play with her and we both could read each other's mind. I have had other dreams where I am trying to save a Dog that everyone thought died of Cancer and and we lived in the woods. That one got really crazy! Well thats it for the week.
I have been having a very hard time sleeping due to allergies and not being being allowed to sleep on my tummy. This has left me very cranky and tired. When I do sleep I have some of the most off the wall dreams. The other night I had this dream that I could see my baby moving all around in my tummy and actually grab her and turn her and move her to where I wanted her. I could play with her and we both could read each other's mind. I have had other dreams where I am trying to save a Dog that everyone thought died of Cancer and and we lived in the woods. That one got really crazy! Well thats it for the week.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Belly Shots
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Week 24-Paranoid
This week has been exciting. First it was a week of gifts for Baby Guinan. She got 3 very cute outfits form Sue, and two adorable onizes from my mom and dad. One saying Cute to the Core with an apple on the front, then grandma gave me a whole bunch of little sleepers. A coworker at work was also very kind and gave me a high chair. I think we might use this one at my grandma's if she is still up to babysitting. That way we won't have to lug things back and forth. Dave and I our both very appreciative for all the things we have received for our Love Bug.
Starting Sunday, Dave and I both had a very stressful day. By that night. I was cramping and had stop feeling Baby Guinan move. She moves all the time now so her not moving had me very worried. I spotted a bit that night too. Then all the way to Thursday hadn't felt baby move. Things got worst Thursday after lunch so I called my doctor office. I told the nurse everything and was told to get over to the office right away. I called my boss told her what was happening, yes crying,trying not to worry her, I'm not good at that cause she came running from her office to mine. There I was still holding my phone talking to her as she is staring at me crying at my desk. She say you go to your doctor now, but your not driving because I was pretty upset, and called me a cab. She walked me down to the front of the building as I tell her I need to get all this work done, and keep repeating that the doctors don't think its bad but they want to be safe and I'm just more worked up then anything. I thanked her and got in the cab. The cab driver must have been thinking that someone died or something as I was upset, crying, talking to Dave and leaving one hospital to go to another. I should just have a sign posted on me that reads pregnant cry a lot. Get to the doctors and had gotten one of my favorite nurses who was my nurse the last time I was preggers and miscarried so she knew my history and helped me calm down. It didn't help that this is the week I found out I miscarried last time. Dr. Garcia came in to check me out. I told him everythi
ng, cramps, no movement, morning sickness was back and how terrified I was that I was miscarrying again which was making me even more of a basket case. He calmed me down and said it was very good I called and came in and even if its nothing at all it was OK. My blood pressure was really high for me 154 over 80. Being upset didn't help it. So they worked on calming me down so they could check it again later. They then but the heart beat monitor thing on my belly to listen to the heart. It took what seemed like forever to find it but there it was a beating. And then a loud thunk! Dr. says did you feel that? I say no and then there the thunk was again, this time I felt it. Baby Guinan kicked the monitor very hard. I cried again just glad to have felt her kick. He then brought out the sonogram machine there my baby was on the screen. She wasn't moving at all but her heart was beating. She has always been all over the screen so I was scared to death. And then it happened she raised one finger at the screen. I laughed and the doctor goes I believe that was a finger. Dave said well the baby's like me. Wake her up and she flips you off. Doctor kneed my belly like a ball of dough and she started moving all over the place. He let me watch her for a long time. He then check my cervix which was thankfully sealed tight. Everything looked OK. I left felling much better back to work with lab script. This whole week Dave and I had been worried sick and not really sleeping.
We ended the week watching the Reno Balloon Races from 5:30AM to about 8:30AM and feeling much better and less worried!
Starting Sunday, Dave and I both had a very stressful day. By that night. I was cramping and had stop feeling Baby Guinan move. She moves all the time now so her not moving had me very worried. I spotted a bit that night too. Then all the way to Thursday hadn't felt baby move. Things got worst Thursday after lunch so I called my doctor office. I told the nurse everything and was told to get over to the office right away. I called my boss told her what was happening, yes crying,trying not to worry her, I'm not good at that cause she came running from her office to mine. There I was still holding my phone talking to her as she is staring at me crying at my desk. She say you go to your doctor now, but your not driving because I was pretty upset, and called me a cab. She walked me down to the front of the building as I tell her I need to get all this work done, and keep repeating that the doctors don't think its bad but they want to be safe and I'm just more worked up then anything. I thanked her and got in the cab. The cab driver must have been thinking that someone died or something as I was upset, crying, talking to Dave and leaving one hospital to go to another. I should just have a sign posted on me that reads pregnant cry a lot. Get to the doctors and had gotten one of my favorite nurses who was my nurse the last time I was preggers and miscarried so she knew my history and helped me calm down. It didn't help that this is the week I found out I miscarried last time. Dr. Garcia came in to check me out. I told him everythi
ng, cramps, no movement, morning sickness was back and how terrified I was that I was miscarrying again which was making me even more of a basket case. He calmed me down and said it was very good I called and came in and even if its nothing at all it was OK. My blood pressure was really high for me 154 over 80. Being upset didn't help it. So they worked on calming me down so they could check it again later. They then but the heart beat monitor thing on my belly to listen to the heart. It took what seemed like forever to find it but there it was a beating. And then a loud thunk! Dr. says did you feel that? I say no and then there the thunk was again, this time I felt it. Baby Guinan kicked the monitor very hard. I cried again just glad to have felt her kick. He then brought out the sonogram machine there my baby was on the screen. She wasn't moving at all but her heart was beating. She has always been all over the screen so I was scared to death. And then it happened she raised one finger at the screen. I laughed and the doctor goes I believe that was a finger. Dave said well the baby's like me. Wake her up and she flips you off. Doctor kneed my belly like a ball of dough and she started moving all over the place. He let me watch her for a long time. He then check my cervix which was thankfully sealed tight. Everything looked OK. I left felling much better back to work with lab script. This whole week Dave and I had been worried sick and not really sleeping.
We ended the week watching the Reno Balloon Races from 5:30AM to about 8:30AM and feeling much better and less worried!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Week 23- Braxton Hicks
Well this week Dave had been out of town hunting. At first I was fine but I started to get really nervous to be home alone to miss him and have be a little. I also had the wonderful plan of cleaning the whole house again while Dave was away but did not have any strength to do so. Work has been crazy just dealing with some rude comments about being pregnant and how inconvenient it is for them. Normally wouldn't bother me as much but I also seem to be having a surge of hormones that are making me nuts. Add Dave being gone and you can imagine how fun I must be to hang out with. So to clam my nerves I went to the La Tomatina En Reno, America's largest food fight for Cancer. It was to be similar to the tomato fight they have in Spain every year. It was a lot of fun. My sister went with me. We made a very good team. She protected my belly and toss tomato's and I threw tomato's for both of us. We hung in the fight for about 20 mins. It took almost and hour and a half to get all the tomato's out of my hair and clean up.
I also picked up the cradle Lovebug will be sleeping in for a little while. I'm super excited because this cradle was given to my grandma when she was pregnant with my mom, then my mom used it for me and now I get to use it for my daughter. Some other close family friends and family have also used it. My cat Southpaw just loves sleeping under it. In fact he really hasn't left its side. Since I got it put together. It's nice to have this family heirloom.
Now for a little sharing of what some of my favorite comments and questions made or asked. I hope to god you can read the sarcasm above!
"Did you plan to get pregnant?" Or "oh was this an accident?" Complete strangers have asked me this question. Our you freaking kidding me. Let me ask you a question or two...."Do you know how you got pregnant?" "Oh your pregnant.. how old are you?" See two can play this nasty little game.
"How much weight have you gained?" I get this one almost everyday. Come on, there is only one person that I let get away with asking me this and that's my doctor. And that is only because he has to see the numbers on the scale. And yes I give him a dirty look every time he checks it out. Come on people do you walk up to your non pregnant friends and say gee how much weight have you gained? I don't think so! I swear the next person that asks me this question is going to get the same question back. How would you feel if some one asked you how much weight you gained. If I bring it up, that's my bad and I asked for the question but come on this is what I get "Hi, Cheryl. How much weight have you gained?" And just for the recorded. My doctor is very please with how little I have gained. I haven't really saw any difference on the scale till this last month. Dr. Klose was very happy with what he had seen at my doctors appointment on the 4th of Sept. He also was very happy that we were signed up for Labor Classes and that I was doing water workouts and was starting to look for our Pediatrician. He said "I was very on top of things and that more moms should be like me!" Yes I'm tooting my own horn. Toot toot.
Here's a good one. Aren't you scared to death of labor? Or my labor was terrible! Thanks people yes I am scared a bit about labor. Is it going to be so painful I won't make it. Will my sex life ever be the same. Are coworkers I know going to be in the room working? Sure I'm scared. And sure I get your labor was terrible and you may be just trying to prepare me but. Choose your words better. Labor is tough is a whole lot nicer then the word terrible and still gets the point across. I like how my friend Kelly explained it to me. She says "Labor", gives a little chuckle, takes a deep breath in, her eyes get real big, she exhales and shakes her head no. That's how everyone should say Labor is!
OK done ranting..now for the exciting thing that happened this week. I had my first Braxton Hicks Contraction. I was at work when all of a sudden my abdomen got really tight and had some sharp pain start radiating thought that area from the center out. It lasted just over a minute. I wasn't quite sure what the hell was happening and all I did was start taking deep breaths watching my clock. It didn't feel to hot to move so I just sat there. Coworker watching asking if I'm OK. It went away and all was fine. As I start there wondering what had happened it clicked that it might have been a Braxton Hicks. After speaking with my doctor he confirmed it. Lucky Dave called to check in about 20 mins later to let me know how the hunt was going and see how I was doing. As soon as he asked how everything was I said I just had a contraction glad you called. He said "Braxton thingy right?" I said yup don't worry. It was a little fun to hear him hold his breath. LOL.
I also picked up the cradle Lovebug will be sleeping in for a little while. I'm super excited because this cradle was given to my grandma when she was pregnant with my mom, then my mom used it for me and now I get to use it for my daughter. Some other close family friends and family have also used it. My cat Southpaw just loves sleeping under it. In fact he really hasn't left its side. Since I got it put together. It's nice to have this family heirloom.
Now for a little sharing of what some of my favorite comments and questions made or asked. I hope to god you can read the sarcasm above!
"Did you plan to get pregnant?" Or "oh was this an accident?" Complete strangers have asked me this question. Our you freaking kidding me. Let me ask you a question or two...."Do you know how you got pregnant?" "Oh your pregnant.. how old are you?" See two can play this nasty little game.
"How much weight have you gained?" I get this one almost everyday. Come on, there is only one person that I let get away with asking me this and that's my doctor. And that is only because he has to see the numbers on the scale. And yes I give him a dirty look every time he checks it out. Come on people do you walk up to your non pregnant friends and say gee how much weight have you gained? I don't think so! I swear the next person that asks me this question is going to get the same question back. How would you feel if some one asked you how much weight you gained. If I bring it up, that's my bad and I asked for the question but come on this is what I get "Hi, Cheryl. How much weight have you gained?" And just for the recorded. My doctor is very please with how little I have gained. I haven't really saw any difference on the scale till this last month. Dr. Klose was very happy with what he had seen at my doctors appointment on the 4th of Sept. He also was very happy that we were signed up for Labor Classes and that I was doing water workouts and was starting to look for our Pediatrician. He said "I was very on top of things and that more moms should be like me!" Yes I'm tooting my own horn. Toot toot.
Here's a good one. Aren't you scared to death of labor? Or my labor was terrible! Thanks people yes I am scared a bit about labor. Is it going to be so painful I won't make it. Will my sex life ever be the same. Are coworkers I know going to be in the room working? Sure I'm scared. And sure I get your labor was terrible and you may be just trying to prepare me but. Choose your words better. Labor is tough is a whole lot nicer then the word terrible and still gets the point across. I like how my friend Kelly explained it to me. She says "Labor", gives a little chuckle, takes a deep breath in, her eyes get real big, she exhales and shakes her head no. That's how everyone should say Labor is!
OK done ranting..now for the exciting thing that happened this week. I had my first Braxton Hicks Contraction. I was at work when all of a sudden my abdomen got really tight and had some sharp pain start radiating thought that area from the center out. It lasted just over a minute. I wasn't quite sure what the hell was happening and all I did was start taking deep breaths watching my clock. It didn't feel to hot to move so I just sat there. Coworker watching asking if I'm OK. It went away and all was fine. As I start there wondering what had happened it clicked that it might have been a Braxton Hicks. After speaking with my doctor he confirmed it. Lucky Dave called to check in about 20 mins later to let me know how the hunt was going and see how I was doing. As soon as he asked how everything was I said I just had a contraction glad you called. He said "Braxton thingy right?" I said yup don't worry. It was a little fun to hear him hold his breath. LOL.
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