Friday, November 6, 2015

Welch's Refreshingly Simple

I got another wonderful opportunity to help BzzAgent sample an share my thoughts on the product.  This Time it was for Welch's Refreshingly Simple.  I had several favors to choose from.  My choice was Peach Mango.   I was interested in this one because it was for juice.  I hate giving my daughter jucie.  The always seem to be full of sugar or fake sugar which sends her in to a sugar freenzy or I'm worried about her teeth.  Now Welches claims on their website the following:

Delicious, fresh fruit flavors meet a light crisp juice with Welch's Refreshingly Simple. All the flavor without the bad stuff. Refreshingly Simple.
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • No high fructose corn syrup
  • No artificial flavors
  • No artificial preservatives 
This is why I was interested, as a mom reading this I see mom of the year.  A juice I can give to my daughter and because BzzAgent send it to me free to try why not.   It's always fun to get something in the mail that is not a bill.   So on Tuesday my daughter and I find this box on the front pourch.  I know what is immeditaly by the super cute bee tape and my daughter is excited because she gets to open a package.
When we open the package we found  a nice looking bottle of juice.  Very clean looking lable and i liked the design.   I was expecting coupons for the juice as well but there were none in the box to share with friends.  Not normal for BzzAgent.  Also inclosed was this cute little sandwhich container.  Addison has used this every day since.  
The first thing we did was pour my daughter a glass to try.  "Mom this is good!"  was the words out of her mouth.   I gave it a sip and found it to be really sweet.  Now this could be because I for the most part have been drinking water for months. I could taste the peach flavor and a little of the mango.  I think only because I was looking for the mango.  It was good, but something that I would drink in small amounts do to the sweetness.  Addison on the other hand can't get enough.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Did you miss me?

Hi,  I'm back.   I know it's been awhile.  Few years even.

Lets see where do I start.........Awww, I'm divorced,  This divorce is new within the last year but I'm still in court finalizing, correcting and fighting.  Court was a freaking nightmare.  I had 3 cases going for the better part of 2 1/2 years.

I'm a Single mom out in the world.  Watch out!  I have a few pretend boyfriends, I've dabbled with the horrible dating idea.   I had met a guy that would have been perfect for the rebound but it was all kinds of too complicated.  Which is a gosh darn bummer if you ask me.   I also know that I am extremely picky when it comes to what I like in a man.  I'm also untrusting now, which is a total bummer but I'm working on it.

Over the last couple years I have raised an amazing little girl who is currently all wrapped up in planning her 6th birthday party.   Unbelievable!  Where the heck did the time go?  She is into ballet and soccer and can't wait to drive.

I have been to Hawaii twice in a year alone.

I pretend to run.  I have ran 2 half marathon's, 2 10 Milers, 2 Relays and I have no idea how many 5ks.  But I hate running but I can't believe that I have completed these races.  I'm crazy proud of myself.  Toot Tooting my own horn.

After three years of not talking the ex and I have small converstaions and I have no idea how to process all of this.

What have you guys been up to latley?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Uncomfortable around men.

Well that is a post title I never in my life thought I would type.  I Cheryl the girl who has always hung with the boys is now lost in this post divorce world.  I don't even remember what it's like to have a gentlemen pull out a chair for me. Seriously went out with a friend and he did just that and I moved over to the other chair not realizing what he was doing was for me.   I feel like every time I trying to hang out with a friend they think of it more as a date.   I'm left asking myself, can a women and a man just be friends anymore at my age?   More then anything I want to have an some sort of relationship but can  I just settle for something I don't want 100%.  I mean  I know what I want.  I can't have what I want so here I am waiting patiently for something that might not ever come around.  At what point does a girl just say fuck it and settle for one that is kind of what I'm looking for?

How do you get back in to the game as a single mom?

This is me

This is me